World Mental Health Day - Protect your health and your heart.

With World Mental Health Day around the corner, I want to shed light on the importance of mental health and why it deserves the same level of attention and care as our physical health.

I feel this is a good time to open up about what brought me to yoga and why I am so passionate about the subject and both my physical and mental well-being. I had always practiced Yoga through-out my 20s, but it was the deterioration of my mental health during an abusive situation that led me to throw myself into my practice.

Instead of my home being my sanctuary, I was reminded almost daily of how worthless I was. This hugely impacted my ability to see life clearly.  I was trapped, in a toxic home and I was a shadow of my former self.

It is through my yoga practice that I escaped the reality of my life. I found a space that I felt safe. A space in which I felt I could finally breathe. It is here that I could listen to the soft whispers of my heart yearning for more. Yearning for a happier existence. My practice was my sanctuary.

When I started my training, what struck me the most were the incredible people I met on my course. Strong, courageous human beings, all of whom had been on a journey of self-discovery, each and every one with their own unique story of how they came to Yoga. I am blessed to call many of these people, friends to this day. What I came to realise was that the deterioration of your mental and physical health can happen so easily and for many different reasons.

Here are a few ways to protect your mental and physical health:

The Mind-Body Connection: Our mental health is intricately linked to our physical health. Just as our body requires nourishment and exercise, our mind too craves attention and care. Stress, anxiety and depression can manifest physically, leading to a host of health issues. Conversely, a healthy mind contributes to a healthier body, creating a symbiotic relationship that underscores the vital role of mental well-being.

Quality of Life: Mental health profoundly influences our quality of life. It shapes our thoughts, emotions and behaviours, impacting how we perceive and interact with the world. A healthy mind fosters resilience, optimism and a sense of purpose.  Nurturing our mental health allows us to fully engage with life's joys and challenges.

Productivity and Creativity: Mental health is a cornerstone of productivity and creativity. When we are mentally well, our cognitive abilities are sharpened, decision-making is enhanced and our capacity to innovate flourishes.

Relationships and Social Connections: Our mental health significantly influences our relationships and social connections. It enables us to form deep and meaningful connections with others, fostering empathy, compassion and effective communication.

Breaking the Stigma: Despite the growing awareness of mental health, stigma persists in many societies. By openly discussing mental health and seeking help when needed, we break down these barriers and pave the way for a more compassionate and understanding world. It is essential to remind ourselves and others that seeking support for our mental health is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Holistic Well-Being: Achieving overall well-being requires a holistic approach that encompasses both mental and physical health. Just as we prioritize exercise and a balanced diet, we must prioritize self-care, stress management and seeking professional help when necessary to ensure our mental health remains robust.

Our mental health is a fundamental pillar upon which our overall health and happiness rest. Just as we invest time and effort into physical health, we must recognize that mental health deserves the same attention and care.

I close this post with a meditation for Savasana:

Choose in this moment to release judgement, judgement from your practice, from your life, your body, remind yourself that life gets better when we accept ourselves fully for who we are.

Allow yourself, to enjoy the feeling of being in your body, exactly as it is. 

The more love we give to ourselves, the more we have to share.

Remind yourself that you are worthy of love, compassion and respect.

Connect with each breath. Acknowledge the pause between each inhalation and exhalation. Ask your body to release further into stillness with each exhale. This time is for you, and you alone, to nurture and nourish mind, body and soul.

As you invite another deep breath into your body choose grace and acceptance as you walk forward into the rest of your day.

From my heart to yours,

Namaste x


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