Sequencing and the power of expression.

There are many different names and styles of yoga, from Hatha; Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Dynamic, Rocket, Yin, Restorative, can be confusing to know where to start or what flow works best for you.

Let’s take a moment to break down a few of the difference styles:

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga focuses on the breath, controlled movement, stretching and meditation. It is practiced at a slow pace. This is a gentler form of yoga compared to Vinyasa Yoga and a good place to start for beginners.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa yoga focuses on connecting movement with breath. This style tends to be set at a faster pace. In a vinyasa practice, you can expect to stay in a constant flow of movement. Anything goes, creativity is your friend here but usually a sequence is set around a variation of sun salutations, standing and seated poses. 


Ashtanga is a fixed sequence of poses which focuses on muscle training and developing physical and mental strength.

Yin & Restorative Yoga

The slowest pace of yoga can be found in Yin & Restorative yoga. In this practice you hold poses for a longer period of time, with focus on the breath and for those who want to create a deep meditative practice.

Yoga Nidra

And lastly, Yoga Nidra or 'yogic sleep' is a guided meditation to take you into a state of conscious deep sleep.

My personal preference is a vinyasa flow practice. This fluid movement not only energises the body, but stretches and strengthens at the same time. It’s a cardio practice, burning calories, opening the body, drawing awareness to breathe, drawing in positive prana (energy), whilst expelling negative thoughts and unwanted tension through each exhalation. 

Your sequence can be entirely your own and you can be as creative as you wish to make it depending on how you’re feeling that particular day. It’s a dance uniting movement with breath and you can be as wild, exploring mind, body and soul. Find your inner flow by allowing your body to guide you. Embrace the freedom of the movement and self expression. Unleash your unique energy and the true colours of your true essence.

People come to yoga for a variety of different reasons, try it all and see what works best for you.

Remember your practice is your own, child’s pose is always there to rest and reflect. There’s no wrong or right method, sequence or path to your practice and it’s never too late to begin your journey.

From my heart to yours,


Katherine x

#yoga #yogapractice #yogaflow #movement #sequencing #creativity #mindfulness #expression #hathayoga #yinyasaflow #restorativeyoga #yinyoga #yoganidra #ashtangayoga #dynamicyoga #rocketyoga #breath #union #body #mind #soul


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